A review by kevinrtipple
Mystery Magazine: February 2024 by Mystery Weekly Magazine


Mystery Magazine: February 2024 begins with the cover story “Slow News Day” by Robert Lopresti. The DEA supplied the lead, but the execution of the raid in Maryland was done by the Vanaca County Sheriff’s Department. Specifically, their SWAT unit. Things did not go as planned. The tale was inspired, per the author, on a real life incident.

He came home to find himself locked out and his suitcase on the porch. That was just the nudge to leave in “Better Than A Dating App” by V.S. Kemanis. The plan is to take his skills to New York where the money will come to him. The location is different, but the game still exists. It is all about the execution.

Felix and Elenor are on a train and Eleanor is wondering why the handsome young man they met yesterday has not been seen today. Once Eleanor has something in her mind, she isn’t the type to let it go. In “The Three Thieves: A Canadian Flyer Mystery” by Dan Crosby, a missing man, a legendary book, and history all combine to create a very enjoyable locked room style mystery on wheels.

Frank is enjoying his retirement in “You Get What You Get” by Jullien Grant Shoichet. Other folks are not enjoying his retirement as much. This is one those tales, the less said by the reviewer, the better for the reader.

Charlotte Boru has gone missing from the small village of Tiperon. It is the 50s, Ireland, and policemen Michael O’ Shay, will have his hands full finding her. In “Michael O’Shay And the Missing Wife” by William J. Demorascki, Constable O’Shay is a good man and the sole police representative in the village. The hunt is on and the husband is irate.

Magnolia Culpepper is going through life faking being a southern Belle. Her inner side, “Maggie” as it were, is independent and does not give a whit what society expects in “A Chicken-Fried Mistake” by John H. Dromey. She wants to get out of town. She knows she needs money. She also has a friend, Amanda, who is also looking to get out of town. She has access to a car. Now they just need a good plan.

Herb Campuss has a voice for radio and his own syndicated show that is heard in this country and northern Mexico. Marteens is a private investigator and can speak Spanish. Campuss wants him to go across the border at El Paso and find a certain woman. Whether taking the job was a good idea or not becomes clear in “Mexican Radio” by Pete Barnstrom.

Mrs. Mallory is on a mission in “The Writing Room” by Kathleen Ford. She wants what she wants and is not going to go away quietly. Folks are going to understand her position.

John M. Floyd offers the “You-Solve-It” story titled, “A New Leaf.” Fran Valentine’s daughter, Lucy, is the County Sheriff. She needs some advice from her retired school teacher mom. Not just advice, as wants her to come look at a possible crime scene.

The issue closes with the solution to the January story, “Orange Cones and Alibis” by Kate Fellowes.

As one expects from this publication, the latest issue is an entertaining mix of mystery stories. Some are historical, some are contemporary, and all of them are good ones. The latest issue is another good one and well worth your time.

For quite some time now I have been gifted a subscription by the publisher with no expectation at all of a review.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2024