A review by benederl
Rock Bottom Girl by Lucy Score


38yr old is single, jobless, and broke — back at her parents house. Gets a job as a high school gym teacher and soccer coach. Super hot guy who liked her in high school gets her to make a “deal” that he will help give her guidance at this job, in exchange for her pretending to date him. Basically it is an acquaintances-with-benefits to FWB to ILY over 5 months. Smutty scenes were good and the male dialogue was also good. Jake’s pov was funny and I liked it.

So the ending was unbelievable. More like a hallmark movie that tries to tie up all loose ends in the last 15 minutes. It was nice to have a FMC that was in her late 30s. She has unresolved issues that resurface because high school never ends for some people. The plot was good up until the last 100 pages where there was a third act breakup for no reason and she didn’t talk to anyone about it until after it happened. And suddenly her sister became a real person, her enemy became a friend, and she showed Jake the handwritten notes that she had been harboring this whole time and could have just confronted him with in the beginning. And he forgave her and all was explained. Also a weird thing about her having a secret boyfriend in high school all because the mean girl wanted both guys. all was resolved and she also got the guy and the job and fostered/adopted the girl. It didn’t really make a lot of sense. Because she didn’t talk about her issues with the people she needed too. The girls soccer team became involved in her dating life and “helped her” look girly for Jake. Idk. Something about it was…uncanny.

It was an easy read and I enjoyed. Saw a lot of myself (single, 30s, didn’t have a good job, used to play soccer and a dad in the tech field).