A review by becsa
Dark Secrets by Tamara Ferguson, Katie O’Sullivan, Angela Stevens, Sharon Coady, Jude Ouvrard, Chantel Rhondeau, Pandora Spocks, Stacy Eaton, Amy Manemann


Little White Lies by Jude Ouvrard

Hunter Reed decides she needs a change of location after her boyfriend Jared breaks up with her and begins dating one of her friends and no one in their circle having the courage to tell her about what was going on. Hunter moves to Portland for a job at Hart & Miller Media Inc as a graphic designer.

Soon Hunter meets new friends Emma and Xander who are also her co-workers and invite her out to a club on Halloween where she falls for a mysterious stranger wearing a yellow hoodie that he gives her at the end of the night but his identity is still hidden under her costume.

When Hunter begins working she meets her new boss, Braden Hart and she can't deny the chemistry the two have but is she ready to mix business and pleasure?

I enjoyed this story but I did find Hunter almost too naive with how she obviously affected the men around her. I think this was because of her break up with Jared but I was surprised she wasn't more aware of the feelings that Xander had for her.

I liked that Hunter was trying to make it on her own as it was obvious that she came from money but she wanted to make her own success and not rely on her parents.

At the Halloween Party Hunter meets "Elvis" and you can tell she has chemistry with him but has no idea who he is and nobody says anything to her about him. When she meets Braden at work she can't deny the chemistry but she is scared about the reaction of others with them working together.

Braden himself is just out of a relationship that wasn't any good for him but he doesn't hesitate in getting involved. It was clear right from the beginning how much he cared for Hunter and wasn't worried about what anyone else thought.

I was a little weirded out with the friendship between Xander and Hunter as it was obvious to me how much he cared about Hunter. When Hunter started dating Braden things got a little tense and Xander was mad at Hunter and still didn't seem to want to give up on her.

I wasn't surprised at what was revealed at Thanksgiving as I thought that from the beginning. In a way I wasn't shocked at how Hunter reacted due to her past but I was definitely sad at what happened after she left.

I liked how remorseful Braden was and how hard he worked at putting everything back together. I was super mad at Xander after an event as he really ruined a good friendship and ruined Hunter's trust.