A review by ks2_alwaysreading
Disasterology by Samantha Montano


I greatly enjoyed this book--for her first book, Montano did a wonderful job. She did a thorough job describing what exactly emergency management is ("the managerial function charged with creating the framework within which communities reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters" p 19).
I also greatly enjoyed her subtle dig at new President Biden's Build Back Better plan. Montano writes that terms such as "build back better", "windows of opportunity", and "blank slates" are the language of disaster capitalists. They are meant to manipulate and persuade the public of neoliberal agendas that aren't necessary going to help the actual communities in need; instead, they are terms used to further a government's/politician's agenda. Makes you rethink some things, doesn't it?
This one may become a book on my want-to-buy list.