A review by alexauthorshay
Millennium Vol. 1: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by


I don't know why the ISBN says this is part one of two, both are collected in this volume. But anyway, the art is kind of weird, not like what you see on the front cover. It's mostly realistic, but also stylized so that it's kind of anime, with very curvy women and heads too big for shoulders. It took a little getting used to, and it's a bit difficult to tell some of the characters apart. Probably very hard to follow if you haven't read the novel already, in terms of trying to keep track of all the Vanger family, since the novel is hard enough and this is an extremely abbreviated version.
I haven't read the novel recently enough to remember everything they might have changed, but I have a feeling it was a fair bit. Harriet's career being the big one I caught. To be fair, the title page does say based on, giving them creative license to change things, but it doesn't feel fair to me for them to do that for some reason. Some stuff had to be changed, given the very small page count to get the whole novel into while still allowing the comic to make sense, but other things didn't. It gets the general sense of the plot correct, so it makes a good re-cap for anyone rusty on the novel and not wanting to read the huge book again. I wouldn't recommend reading this before having read the novel, though.