A review by kaje_harper
Inversion Point by Jenn Burke, Kelly Jensen


As the book opens, Zander and Felix have worked past some of the issues that came between them in the last installment. They are solid, looking forward, although Zander's role as Emissary for the Guardians, the mysterious and most powerful race in the galaxy, has unwanted repercussions. Not only are there cultists following him, but the appearance of a new, possibly hostile galactic race puts him in the thick of first contact. To make it harder, the warlike stin, against whom the war they both fought in was waged, are claiming aggression by the new race and collusion by humans. Zander has to be part of trying to diffuse the next human-stin war before it starts.

Despite this, the book is actually more Felix's. While Zander's worst nightmares come from things his own side did to him, Felix was a prisoner of war of the stin. His damaged arm and his nightmares come directly from the guards and soldiers who captured, tortured, and held him. Now, if he's going to stay at Zander's side, he has to be civil in their presence. Not just their race, but some of the actual individuals who tormented him and destroyed his fellow human prisoners. Felix faces his toughest personal test, while trying to help Zander solve mysteries of who is on what side in this new mess, and hoping to head off another galactic war.