A review by kandicez
Rise of the Governor by Jay Bonansinga, Robert Kirkman


This was not what I was expecting. I read the comics long before the show came out, but have since become a fan of the show as well. I occasionally find it hard to remember what happened in which. That sounds a bit silly, but for those of you that read and watch, you know what I mean. Story lines from the comic are revisited in the show but with different characters or timing, names change, but personalities stay the same or even vice-verse. That being said, this was very, very obviously the story of the comic governor, NOT the governor from the show.

Philip was a bit of a twist right from the start in my opinion. In this story we see that he begins his post zombie trek through life with his brother Brian, two good ol' boy buddies (it is Georgia) and his daughter Penny. It's a pretty common story about how they survive, get from here to there,and so on, until...it's not. I don't think I'm giving anything away by saying that by the end of the book the governor is alone.

I won't spoil anything, but know, going in, that the governor is not who, and or what, you think he is. The world he lives in made him what he becomes, but that man was always coiled and waiting in his guts.