A review by grayxen
Lord of All Things by Andreas Eschbach


interesting concept but sort of poorly executed. i'm not a big sci-fi fan, so this jumped several sharks toward the middle. it was really boring in the beginning and disjointed toward the end with everyone going to different countries out of nowhere with no good reason. the first half of the book took forever and nothing really developed, then at the end, so much happens but it's barely explained.

real technology was explained, but made-up technology was glossed over in a "don't worry, that will just work because i say it will" fashion.

the characters were pretty flat, being constantly described based on their looks alone, or as having shallow, unfounded beliefs. charlotte's beauty was mentioned about 30 times, but other than that, she didn't do much except sit around and wait for men to run the world (and then apologized to them for some reason).

other characters kept reappearing years after they were introduced, but did nothing of importance, so it seemed like a waste. the ones who seemed important in the beginning just randomly died later as an afterthought, or weren't heard from for decades only to reappear and do nothing. hey, remember this guy? yeah he's still there. that's it. just checking. on to the next scene.

the conclusion is that humans are terrible and have been for millennia. only the main character is good, therefore he must kill himself. maybe the author is an emo teenager...