A review by themeghanseim
The God of Lost Words, by A.J. Hackwith


I already knew going in that I was going to love this book. Even if it left my howling in grief, I was going to tenderly shelve it next to the first two in the trilogy in the library of my heart.

This book soothed my soul in ways I didn't even realize it needed soothing. I absolutely adore all the characters. Once more Claire, Brevity, Hero & Ramiel are the perfect found family. They fit together so well and are able to come together in such a way that their demons(literal and figurative ones) don't stand a chance.

I will say the book went directions I didn't expect, but looking back at the first two, there were signs pointing to it the whole journey. It was beautifully done. The little love notes and nods to pop culture (some of my favorite fandoms are hinted at!!!) made the story. I'm a sucker for meta and stories about stories, afterall.

spoiler below!

The ending made me weep. The imagery of meeting Walter at the end of my life, seeing Leto in his shirt sleeves and curls, Ramiel reaching his hand out to me and asking "Would you like to tell me your story?" STILL GIVES ME CHILLS. And Claire's sacrifice? Oh sweet Claire. Though I'm angry and hurting on Rami and Hero's behalf, it was still the perfect ending and nothing else could have tied it up so well. Sign me up for an afterlife in The Library Realm, please!