A review by cristina0194
Fear Me, by B. B. Reid


It was the first time I read a book written by B. B. Reid and I didn't know what to expect.
What I didn't expect was an ending like this one. I'm so messed up... I need to know the answers. This book was so full of mistery and hatred. It was a combination between a fucked up romance and an even more fucked up family.
And even tho I shouldn't have liked it... I did. Keiran was such a manipulator and at the same time such a fool. And Lake was so perfect for a dominated character.
The title was also perfectly fit.
Sometimes I felt sorry for Lake, but damn it, she was too coward. She could've act differently. So should've done Willow.
Anyway... it was a good book. Because it was full of suspense and that's what a reader is looking for.
Quotes I liked:
“The day was halfway over and I kept thinking about the second I could escape this hell but then I remembered you could never actually leave hell when you sold your soul to the devil himself.”
“But their relationship is theirs, not someone else’s.”
“What is up with them anyway? They are so hypocritical and bossy. It’s always ‘do what I say’, ’now’, ‘no’, ‘mine’. “Me Tarzan, you Jane. Now bend over!”
“"Quit licking me!” Willow screamed.
“There was cotton candy on your face!”"
“And isn’t it ironic that the very person who kept your love life non-existent now consumes it?”
“Pain was forever. It was love that didn’t last forever.”