A review by kylielovesbooks
In Myrtle Peril by Elizabeth C. Bunce


4.5 stars
Another amazing installment of the Myrtle Hardcastle series! In this one, Myrtle's father takes on the case of young Sally Cooke who could potentially be the heir to the sizable Snowcroft inheritance as well as the survivor of a shipwreck thought to have no survivors. While all this is going on, Myrtle's father needs to have his tonsils removed and while in the hospital recovering, thinks he sees a murder. Is it a real murder or is the morphine making him hallucinate? And does it have anything to do with the Snowcroft inheritance?
The characters in this book are as always amazing. I love Myrtle's curiosity and spunk. I love the relationships she has with her father as well as her governess Miss Judson. One of my favorite characters is Mr Blakeney though he didn't have a huge part in this book. I think the characters are really one of the high points of this series.
I also loved the plot! The mixture of the Snowcroft mystery as well as the murder mystery really had my attention throughout the whole book. There were a lot of great twists and turns and reveals and everything made so much sense. Nothing seemed super farfetched and everything felt like it had a purpose.
I already can't wait for the next book!
Thank you to Algonquin for a copy of this book!