A review by theatlantean
Mutineers' Moon: Mutineers' Moon by Weber


This started off a solid 4* and when I discovered the premise behind it, the potential rose to nigh on 5*
However once the halfway mark is reached and Colin has joined some other people (to remain spoiler-free), it devolves into huge sections of exposition delivered by various characters, spattered with tiny parts of action and a smattering of character development. Even when you are anticipating action, there is just speech after speech - WE DON'T CARE!
Stop telling us what it's all about, and show it. I get the feeling this book was way too ambitious for the length the author perceived it to be, and it's just a lot quicker to tell rather than show. I was excited in the first fifty pages, and it was all downhill from there. I wish this book was as good as it had the promise to be.