A review by katiya
The Wizard of Saws by Elise Sax


Gladie (our heroine) is getting into the swing of things with the match-making business. Two matches now under her belt leave her with more confidence. Then the tides turn: a rival appears on the scene, she and many others are locked in a panic room, then a murder occurs. What else could go wrong?

And with that question, I neat set myself up for the 3-star review. It's not that Gladie and her adventures are uninteresting, but I just don't fit with the characters. Why Gladie is constantly blamed for two traffic accidents that were clearly not her fault is beyond me...and I don't find it amusing even though it apparently is. I also don't find humour in the main character being subjected to sexual harassment. Moreover, I really don't see how anyone could be attracted to someone who is directing that at them.

It's a shame: I do like the plot outline, but I don't like how it's executed. For personal taste alone, I'm going to leave this series behind.