A review by agrippinaes
Pleasing Mr. Parker by Elle Nicoll


This was a lot of fun. It took some favourite tropes of mine and did a good job with them. The writing is engaging and it kept my attention right through to the end; there were parts where I didn’t want to put the book down.

The chemistry between Maria and Griffin was really good, I just wanted them to act on the tension between them. There was also a good dose of angst in this - there’s a lot of drama and conflict and if you’re in the mood for that kind of romance then this is ideal.

Like, I can say that I don’t think this book would be everyone’s cup of tea - it’s over-the-top and melodramatic for sure. They fall out a lot, they have ridiculous sex, it’s entertaining. I would have liked more of a grovel from Griffin at the end and I did think some of the final drama was a bit dragged out, but ultimately I had fun reading it.

Content Notes: Boss/employee, workplace, grumpy MMC, hate-to-love.

SpoilerMild violence, sexual threat / intimidation, blood, mild injuries, gambling addiction, financial abuse (in past), mental illness, incarceration (on-page), toxic relationship with parents, severe allergic reaction (on-page).

SpoilerOn-page sex, OW stuff
MMC initially appears to be sleeping with multiple OW over the course of the book but it turns out it’s his friend.
, infidelity / cheating (in past)..