A review by shannonlovesbooksandreading
The Gentlemen's Club by Emmanuelle de Maupassant


The Gentleman’s Club is the first I’ve read by DeMaupassant. I was expecting something a little taboo and maybe erotic in nature. I would have to say this story was certainly that and more.

I related to Lord McCaulay while he was in his intimate but humiliating situations. He was extremely turned on by the situations that Mademoiselle Noire put him in but at the same time he was embarrassed that he was so turned on. Kind of like the saying “You can’t help who you love”, I guess you could say you can’t help the kink that you love.

I enjoyed this story since it kept me guessing, I wasn’t sure if there was going to be a happily ever after, I wasn’t sure how Maud and Lord McCaulay would become a part of each other’s lives. The era that this story was written in wasn’t really open to kinks of any kind so to read about a club where kink was not only allowed but encouraged made for an interesting read.

I definitely recommend this story to those over 18 with an open mind.