A review by roxnn2000
Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James


This was hilarious!

I have read a lot of romance novels in my day, and I enjoy them for one simple reason: comedy with a strong dash of romance.

Although I am not a huge fan of actors being the main characters in my romance novels, this one pulled me in and I couldn't put the book down.

I really like Taylor as a main character because she is so strong. She doesn't cry or feel very feminine, but knows that her feminine side can be a useful tool and strength in the courtroom.

I also like Jason because he is very realistic. He starts off like the typical actor type who thinks that all women fawn after him and he leaves a trail of broken hearts wherever he goes, but as the story progresses Taylor sees him for who he really is, and that is what makes the story so interesting.

I did have some problems though. Jason has a good friend whose name is Jeremy. The problem isn't the friend, but the name of the friend. I think that having two characters with names that start with the same letter is a bit distracting. I have to remind myself sometimes that Taylor was interested in Jason, not Jeremy, because I kept mixing up the names in my head.

I also think that an interaction between David, Taylor's ex-fiance, and Jason would have been interesting. I also think that there should have been more involving Scott, Jason's acting rival, as he was important in moving the story along. I feel like his part wasn't needed except to bring Taylor to important events. The interaction between David and Jason would have been more interesting.

Overall, I liked the book and the characters, but felt like some characters needed to be deleted and others enhanced.