A review by git_r_read
The Darwin Elevator by Jason M. Hough


Holey CATZ!! Just finished this today and I need a nap! I am exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. I stayed up late or walked another mile on the treadmill just for more time with Skyler and his scavengers and the rest of the characters in this dystopian/post-apocalyptic world.
I had a feeling of stepping into a combo world of 'Firefly' and 'World War Z' and 'Elysium'. A very exciting combo. *whoosh*

Darwin, Australia is the only place safe due to a shield known as the Aura. A rough place to live unless you are in power. Or can escape to space where the food is grown and scientists are studying a way forward.
Skyler and his band of scavengers are immune to the virus that has spread worldwide. It's a virus turning victims to what's known as Subs or Subhumans. Only knowing that they want to kill.
The immunity allows Skyler and the scavengers to leave the 'safety' of the Aura and fly outside for needed parts and supplies. This makes them a very valuable commodity.
Action-packed thrill-ride and I loved every minute of it. There are characters to cheer for, villains to hate, grey area characters to not know which way to feel.....
I love finding new authors, especially as talented as Jason M Hough.
Off to upload the next in the Cycle!!