A review by ally_camel
His Right Hand by Mette Ivie Harrison


A Mormon murder mystery about a transgendered bishop. Yeah, His Right Hand caught my eye right away. Granted I lost interest after the first few pages (it starts slow) but when I picked it up again, I found it very refreshing.

A stay-at-home mother of 4 (5?) full grown boys is about to become a full-fledged empty nester. Not-so-fortunately, she's kept busy as helpmeet to her husband, one of three bishops running their ward one of whom is Carl Ashby. Linda doesn't get along too well with Carl. His ideas about women in the church are much too conservative for her liking. Then Carl is found in the temple, strangled with a pink scarf. His death is the better news for some people. Many of Carl's secrets begin to come out, the biggest one being that he was born a she... and that he gave birth to a daughter some 20 years earlier... The police are being blocked from investigating the murder properly. Meanwhile, Linda finds herself asking questions and trying to find out what happened herself.

His Right Hand is probably the gentlest murder mystery I have every read. It's more about family and acceptance than murder. The development of the story is slow but allows you to build you own ideas. You know everything Linda knows as she obtains the information. Best of all, the reader doesn't have to guess based on some obscure detail mentioned or figure out some twisted plot (Carl's life is a twist all on its own). Great book!