A review by meganmargoking
Doctor Who: Day of the Cockroach by Steve Lyons


Arthur Darvill, Rory on Doctor Who, does a marvelous job narrating this audiobook, THE DAY OF THE COCKROACH. He nails the voices of Amy and the Doctor to the best of his availability. His Doctor is slightly off but he gets his enthusiasm and speech pattern down. The secondary characters done by Darvill are superb. I quiet forgot that he is doing their voices as well because they are all so different and distinct.

Whoever mixed this audiobook decided it would be cool to add sound effects to the track. So as the trio are running through the bunker, you hear the thump thump of their footsteps or when the cockroaches come around you hear a cicada-like sound. It is a complete distraction and not needed.

The plot is ridiculously easy to see through. How easy? I am listening to this again as type up this review and my hubby, who has never listened to this book before, is also in the room. He correctly guessed the ending when I was around chapter five. If someone barely listening to the audiobook could guess what was going on in the beginning of the book, then you got a problem.