A review by robinsbooks
Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch


LOVED this book. Definitely one of my favorites of the year. I'll write more about it later.

Update: How many of us have wondered "what if I married the boyfriend who (at the time) was the love of my life?" Would I be happier than I am today? What would he be like? Why did we break up, and what could I have done to keep him in my life? Jillian is in a tedious marriage with a demanding toddler, and even though her life seems like it should be perfect, she doesn't see it that way and is not at all happy. After an intense massage, she finds herself back in time again living with her previous boyfriend and back at her high stress advertising job, and realizes she gets to do it all again! Jackson is really the love of her life and this time around she can work on keeping him forever! But is that what she really wants? Of course, you realize what will happen and how it will end but Scotch manages to put a sweet twist on it that was ultimately very satisfying. This book definiteley confirmed my thoughts that after 36 years of marriage, I indeed have it very, very good and wouldn't trade what I have for what I had before.

And yes, it is completely implausible but I thought it was charming.