A review by paddlefoot55
Fool Me Forever by Ainslie Paton


ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

Every Ainslie Paton book is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.

If you have read One Night Wife, then you have already kinda met our leading man and lady, Lenny and Halsey.

We know that Halsey Sherwood is a grifter, a con man who will take you down (well, if you are a despot who needs taking down).

Lenny has been dragged into the con by her best friend Fin and Halsey's brother Cal in the last book, hates the con game and everything Sherwood.

There is something about Ms Paton's characters that, even when we shouldn't really like them, we can't help but fall for them.

I love that Halsey is the nerdy, computer guy of the Sherwood business. I adore how he stumbles over his words when he is around Lenny. Totally adorkable.

I love how our lovelies lives aren't all rainbows and butterflies, they have their baggage and their issues and they are dealt with realistically.

Fool Me Forever was a great bit of escapism, and I can't wait to see what Ms Paton brings us next.

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