A review by elena_gilbert
Dirty Rush by Taylor Bell


If you know me at all, you are not surprised to see that I couldn't resist this book. Here's why:

+Super trashy
+Very beachy
+Quick, easy
+Sorority soap opera
+Like a fleshed out version of the epic story my sorority sister and I wrote about our sisters during college, but with 99.9% more substance abuse

-Atrocious writing (maybe this could actually be a plus for some people?)
-Especially atrocious sex scenes
-Perpetuates Greek system stereotypes (I almost took a star off for this, and felt a little guilty for enjoying it so much, because my sorority sisters weren't really like this, except for when they were. So there you go.)

I finished this book wanting to go rewatch Greek and all the "Jack McPhee joins a fraternity" episodes of Dawson's Creek. And also wanting to read a sequel.