A review by geo_ix
Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick


3.5 stars.

I did really like this book which would usually mean I’d give it four stars easily, but personally I’m not a big fan of Nora. She comes off as a little selfish and bratty at times and I kept finding her so frustrating.

I actually planned on reading the 4th book in the Fallen series by Lauren Kate, which I got up to around the same time back in like 2014 as I did with this one but I got less than 10% into that book and instantly DNFed it because I realised I just didn’t like her style of writing anymore. Probably why I didn’t like Waterfall recently either. So I chose this and instantly even though it’s been 4 years since I read the last, I was hooked again.

I don’t like to go back and reread, although I did with the first book in this series and the first two in fallen as I read them in 2010 when I was still in high school. In 2014 I’d just started reading again and really wanted to see if the books back then held an appeal and if I liked the sequels I never got around to reading. And honestly? Back then I didn’t even really need to reread them, I’m pretty sure I had to force myself not to skip through it because I remembered so much of it, and I wouldn’t have been lost on book two. Same with this one. It’s been four years since then and when I opened it I had completely forgot what was going on, but the second I started reading it all came back and I was never left confused. It was written well enough you could read them out of order, although you wouldn’t get the same effect, but because his one was getting her memories back etc it was pretty thorough in reexplaining most of it. I’ll be finishing this series (finally) in the next few weeks. Can’t decide to use it for a February challenge or just open it up this week lol