A review by sssnoo
Doomsday Book, by Connie Willis


This is a definate positive recommendation if you enjoy time travel, historical fiction and melodrama. I enjoyed 90% of this book but did find some aspects over the top. The general story is very well crafed, from beginning to end. I think it could have been shortened though. It is a long book and some sub-lines just won’t move forward - to the point I was audibly growning when one character saod for the umpteenth time, “Something went wrong.....” before he collapsed or passed out or was interupted and could not finish the sentence and tell the reader WHAT went wrong. There were times I wanted to shake the author or the character and tell them to stop, or move on, or get over it already - but I was hooked on the story so let t go. Ultimately I am glad I did, but if annoying characters drive you crazy be forwarned - there are a few here, whose behaviors are over the top and beyond realistic. That said, the story is compelling and the descriptions of the plague experience worth the read.

The book was written in 1992 and won major Scifi awards. I found it very interesting to see what she anticipated as the technocological advances of the mid 21st century when the book is set. Interestingly, other than the time travel machine not much. I got a chuckle as many plot developments involved making phone calls. She created video phones, but all land lines and not in great working order - she even had trunk or long distance calls as a big deal. This book is mild on future world building but plot and historical world building are fantastic.