A review by amym84
City of Jasmine by Deanna Raybourn


I was extremely surprised how much I liked [b:A Spear of Summer Grass|16074560|A Spear of Summer Grass|Deanna Raybourn|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1356914412s/16074560.jpg|19200712]. So when I learned that Deanna Raybourn was doing another book set in the 20's, I knew I immediately wanted to read it. When I read the synopsis, I was sure I would love it and City of Jasmine definitely doesn't disappoint.

Evie Stark is a famous aviatrix on a very publicized tour with her eccentric Aunt Dove. On one of their stops Evie receives a picture of her husband Gabriel in Damascus. The problem with the picture is that it's a currently dated picture and her husband has been dead for five years. Of course this prompts Evie to go on a search for her "deceased" husband. What she meets with is an adventure that will have her questioning everything she thought she knew about herself as well as the man who was / is her husband.

Again, Deanna Raybourn does a wonderful job describing the landscape and the area of Damascus. She successfully makes it seem like this exotic, mysterious place full of wonders. Again, just like in A Spear of Summer Grass, it makes me wish I could go back in time to experience this place too.

I really liked Evie. She was a great heroine and very independent woman in the 20's. She loved Gabriel with all her heart. At the time of their whirlwind marriage she was very young. Losing him how she thought she did forced her to have to become more self-reliant. She was forced to grow up a little more and learn to take care of herself without a man.

Gabriel, for his part, was an interesting hero. We know that there are secrets he can't tell Evie yet. It's very interesting to see him get to the point where he's ready / able to tell her why he had to fake his own death. I wish we could have gotten Gabriel's POV, but City of Jasmine is Evie's story told from her viewpoint.

Both Gabriel and Evie were different people when they married. With Gabriel's reappearance I liked their interactions in learning how much the other has changed and what has stayed the same. I liked seeing the little significant things that they still remembered about the other, but I liked seeing the new things that they hadn't gotten time to learn yet.

The adventure was fun and interesting. There were quite a few twists and turns and it's difficult to tell who can truly be trusted and that includes Gabriel.

I love where Deanna Raybourn has gone with these new stories. I especially liked that Delilah and Ryder both had mentions in this book. If you've read A Spear of Summer Grass you'll appreciate the connections. I'm looking forward to reading [b:Whisper Of Jasmine|19193473|Whisper Of Jasmine|Deanna Raybourn|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1389363328s/19193473.jpg|27236228] which is a prequel novella. I truly hope Deanna Raybourn continues releasing these books, they have become an instant buy.