A review by the_cover_contessa
My Rogue, My Ruin by Amalie Howard


I received this book for an honest review.

Oh my, oh my, oh my! Have I said I don't read historical romance? Oh and I don't read adult, did you know that? Not really, anyway. BUT I know both these authors and had to give this one a shot. Not only that but the premise and the blurb just sounded great. So I really wanted to give it a try. And I was not in the least unhappy with doing so!

Lady Briannon is, well, fabulous. I love that she's got huge amounts of spunk, she's feisty and fiercely independent. And she's super intelligent. So much more so than her parents or the society surrounding her gives her credit for! Always the lady in public but with an underneath she keeps well hidden. She likes to ride horses and sword fight, so unladylike. But I love that she has those qualities because it makes her so much more than the society lady everyone makes her out to be!

Archer is a study in opposites. What he wants versus what he thinks he wants. He is aloof and distant to most. But he has this soft underside that he keeps well hidden. He's passionate about one thing and that's making sure those in need get just what they need. And he goes above and beyond to make sure that happens. He doesn't allow anyone in. Well, anyone except Brynn, who somehow breaks down all the walls he's managed to put up!

I love the banter and passion between the two main characters in this book. Their exchanges were truly humorous as well and sexually charged. It made for a perfect match. Their slow burn was definitely something I looked forward to watching throughout the book. And I will say I loved the level of sexy the authors brought to the relationship.

The underlying plot was certainly a favorite, as well. I am a true Robin Hood fan, so watching this unfold in the story was great. This part of the plot made it fun and suspenseful! Plus finding out who the villain was was a great surprise to me. I loved how the authors were able to keep it hidden! The mystery aspect was truly wonderful.

I really enjoyed this read. I look forward to more from these two authors who seamlessly created a story where I could not tell there were two authors writing!