A review by cozylittlebrownhouse
Cancer Vixen by Marisa Acocella Marchetto


I have read several graphic novels in the past year, and many of them have been memoirs. This story, about a fabulous New York cartoonist who dons equally as fabulous shoes, chronicles her year spent kicking cancer's ass. The cover image really depicts the personality of Marisa - she deals with her fears, her upcoming wedding, and her career through her magical storytelling and imagery. I really felt as though I came to know Marisa through her journey and I think this would be a great book for someone who is battling cancer. Yes, some of the sections are wrought with sadness and pain because she is so truthful about all of her experiences, but her wit and images of handling her fears offset that and just make it a really honest look into the life of a cancer survivor (hence, it makes a good gift).

I hope creating this book helped her through her battle with cancer and offered her a form of therapy; I hope it helps others too. I think many will laugh, will cry, and will identify with Marisa whether they have had cancer or know someone who has. I have lost 9 women in my family to breast cancer, so this really hit home and I just really rooted for Marisa with every turn of the page. And, you have to love her husband. He is fantastic through all of this.

I hope Marisa checks goodreads and knows that by pouring all of herself into this piece of work, she has done a really, really good thing.

(AND, I am not trying to be rude by calling her by her first name, but it just feels appropriate after reading her memoir. It seems as though she would prefer that herself.)