A review by piccoline
Pierre; Or, the Ambiguities by Herman Melville


Five stars for weirdness, audacity, and being about 110 years ahead of its time. Or more. It's also kind of all over the place, parodying a now-dead style, moving from frothy happy frolicsome outings to madness and murder and suicide. It's a wild and delightful ride, though.

The funny thing is that there have been quite a few attempts at a film version of Moby-Dick, and they tend to be pretty poor. So much of that novel is *not* the plot but the musings and ruminations and riffs, all of which are lost in the translation to screen. But this, oh heavens would Pierre make a great movie. It would take a brave director and some very careful casting but this could be cinematic gold, shocking and disturbing even now 160 years later. Come on someone, make the film Pierre!

(PT Anderson directing Jessica Chastain (Lucy) and maybe Julianne Moore (Mrs Glendinning) would be a good start. Suggestions for Pierre and Isabel?)

There's a French version already, I learned from another Goodreads review. So excited!

Carax's _Pola X_ is the French version. Modern update. Weird, awesome, flawed, awesome. Explicit. Be warned.