A review by ilibra
I Feel Him Watching by T.A. McKay


My god, did that take a while for me to finish. I started this sometime last year and was bit put off at the beginning. The writing style seemed very amateur to me; the first person perspective added to the clunky, repetitive sentence structure reminded me of some first time fanfiction writers, to be honest. The way that characters "explain" things to the reader is just really weird and always sounds a bit wrong. I can't exactly put my finger on it, though.
But I kept on reading, because the story premise was really interesting and I thought I could just push through. When I was at about 70% I made the mistake of putting the book down for a bit, because I just couldn't get the motivation to keep reading. I don't know what drove me today, but this book was tormenting me on my "currently-reading" list and I just wanted to get it over with.
Now, I don't want to trash-talk this book or anything like that. Like I said, the writing just didn't appeal to me, the story was fairly interesting, although the mystery wasn't hard to figure out, but I like how things actually escalated and no one got the easy way out. I just overall didn't enjoy this book. I you did enjoy this, good for you! If you're thinking about reading it, I'd say read a sample first and see how the writing style is.