A review by runa
Bang by Lisa McMann


Hm. I had more trouble getting into this one than I did with Crash. I was very surprised to see that Jules was the narrator again, despite the visions belonging to Sawyer. I thought it would have been really neat to see Sawyer's POV. At this point, I'm invested in every storyline except for the visions, so I hope the next (final?) book in the series ties the pizzeria rivalry and the visions together in some way, instead of the visions being a parallel storyline. I'm really excited to see what's going to happen in Jules' family now that the affair is out of the bag. I wish we had found out who got the visions this time at the end of this book. I'm worried that a large part of the next book is just going to be a boring search, but we'll just have to wait and see.