A review by teenykins
Winter of the Owl by Iris Foxglove


It pains me to give this 3 stars. Maybe it's my mood, maybe it was my expectation based on the Starian Cycle? I don't know.

This is a feel good story, with the two MCs supporting each other and soaring each other up when the other person needed it and some angst to get the heart pumping. But see here's the thing, the sex scenes weren't as graphic, exciting and titillating as in Starian, something that I noticed with [b:The King's Mage|59049225|The King's Mage (Starian Cycle #5)|Iris Foxglove|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1632262680l/59049225._SX50_.jpg|89985616] as well which was a bit of let down. Sava and Victor were cute and sweet but I found my self drifting while reading their story unfold.

I loved all the Lukos info and can't wait for more! Although I do know that books 3 and 4 will be MMFs so that's something that I'm still unsure on how I'll proceed (I left MF romance behind for reasons).