A review by brokenrecord
An Unexpected Gentleman by Alissa Johnson


3.5 stars. There were things I liked about this, but I had some issues with it. I wasn’t super into how
Spoilerafter Connor proposes and Adelaide turns him down, he says she should kiss him goodbye and give him that at least and then he yanks her towards him before she can say no, and the kiss is described as not being gentle, just… no thanks. I like my romances a little less non-consensual than that. And I also didn’t really know how to feel about the reveal that it wasn’t just that he wanted to get back at Sir Robert, but that he also had fallen for Adelaide while watching her from his prison cell. I mean, this is more just personal preference, but I’m not into instalust or instalove, and I would’ve preferred if his motivations for pursuing Adelaide at first were purely from trying to hurt Sir Robert.
And there was a lot I enjoyed about the romance and Connor and Adelaide’s interactions, but that stuff put a bit of a damper on my enjoyment.