A review by kricketa
The Ice Twins by S.K. Tremayne


i was so into this book right up until the ending. it was creepy and atmospheric and the setting in the hebrides was so perfect. i stayed up late to keep reading. i couldn't put it down

and then, and then, the ending! THE ENDING PISSED ME OFF SO HARD.

Spoiler of course, of course, it's allllll the mother's fault. the slutty slutty mom who destroyed her family by having an affair. but here's the thing. based on what we know about this main character, would she actually pick up a dude at a bar and bring him back to her parents house WHILE HER CHILDREN WERE THERE? no. this character would not. sure, there was her infidelity right after the twins died, but that was explained and healed. for the second infidelity she's just like "oh hey i was bored with my husband so i did this incredibly stupid thing that i would never do." i just refuse to believe that this woman would have gotten drunk and boned a stranger with her kids in the next room. fortunately, she pays for her mistake by drowning herself in some mud. so that's fun. scarlet letter much? i hate this shit.

two thoughts after finishing:
1) a twisty ending is not impressive if it makes zero sense.
2) the author of this was definitely a man. low and behold, s.k. tremayne is actually this dude:


interestingly, he is also the author of this book:


which suggests that he has a hard time meeting women. i would suggest that it might be because he hates them.

i'm also annoyed because i told a bunch of people how much i was enjoying this book while i was reading it and now i take it back. but i still kind of hope they read it so we can bitch about the ending together.