A review by mommasaystoread
My Not So Wicked Stepbrother by Jennifer Peel


3.5 stars
My Not So Wicked Stepbrother is really more chick lit than romantic comedy, but it is filled with wit and snark that keep things from getting too heavy. I wouldn't necessarily consider this pair as step-siblings, more like step-siblings twice removed, so if you're looking for a forbidden romance, you won't find that here. The story had its ups and downs for me, but one big up lay with the characters. Love them or hate them, and Jennifer Peel gives us some of both, they're certainly interesting. The romance is a very slow burn, and Emma's inability to see what was right in front of her nearly drove me to distraction. There is a bit too much focus on the mundane details of almost everything, which created some lags in the story, and it's a little more angsty than I care for in what I thought was going to be a lighthearted read. The biggest drawback for me was Emma's focus on fifteen extra pounds, and I do mean focus. It comes up a lot throughout the story, and just felt like a bit too much, especially in a body positive world. Regardless of that, the characters do shine, and that's not just our romantic couple. Even the secondary characters come to life in Peel's writing. Another excellent part of this one was the narration. Melissa Moran breathed that life into Jennifer Peel's terrific characters. She did an excellent job of conveying the emotion of the story, including the snark and at times, the silliness. Even though Moran's voice didn't go as deep as you'd expect for the men, she still did a great job of making each person distinct, and the story entertaining. In the end, this first in the My Not So Wicked series had it's pros and cons for me, but it was certainly worth the listen.