A review by zimebelle
The Atlas of Happiness: The Global Secrets of How to Be Happy by Helen Russell


As a collection of what 'happiness' is to different people around the world, and snippets of what it entails or how to experience the sense of it- this is great.
The author's tone at times, and the amount of stories to lead into each section that could really be edited down, were a dud for me. Many times the author makes comments about younger generations that - I guess was supposed to come off as funny or maybe just making commentary- but comes off as really rude and insulting, especially when these are part of the people buying your product? I don't understand. Also times where, again I guess trying to be funny while expressing jealousy, really misses the mark. "Well, la de da for you... I'm happy for her. Really. Can't you tell?" why would you decide to put this kind of tone in writing, about your friend?

Any who, flipped through the last half perusing the first and last page of each section which is probably the best parts. The highlight of the place, with a definition of their happiness, ending with ways to experience it. Which would also be my reccomendation if anyone wants to read it- just cut out the commentary. Even if you're interested in reading more about an area, you'll be better off finding another book that does it more justice. But great to get little snapshots to get you started.

Also, very interesting to note how many places that report a high happiness level also have a high value on supporting healthcare and education, by having high taxes, imagine that?