A review by kblincoln
Blood of the Wicked: A Dark Mission Novel by Karina Cooper


Paranormal Romance set in an alternate "New Seattle" where a cataclysmic earthquake as well as the "outing" of witches has changed society forever and caused a Spanish Inquisition-esque agency to hunt down the witches with extreme prejudice not quite to my taste.

Maybe its the constant, tough, fierceness and swearing of the alpha hero, Silas? The way the heroine, Jessie, just is taken care of all the time, and then blamed by Silas for keeping secrets when he, too, is keeping secrets?

I found myself skimming just to find out what happens, but not enjoying the process. The writing is fine, New Seattle itself very interesting, but I found myself wishing Jessie were in it all by herself and this was more Urban Fantasy with Silas a minor romance-potential character rather than a main voice.