A review by ceena
Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig


I received this book through Netgalley. All ideas and thoughts about the book below are my own.

Okay, whirlwind of a book.
It was a really interesting read and I enjoyed the flashbacks and the way Flynn thought/acted. Flynn is only 15, so the immature moments make sense and even those I think are written very well, only a few times did I really question him. He has a lot going on, so much stress, that I am surprised he was able to function at all.

I thought the mystery was done VERY WELL and the ending... loved it. I mean... I wish things could have gone differently, but I understand.

Only thing currently really irks me and that is Flynn and Kaz. I think they are great, but Flynn is 15 and Kaz is 19, in college. I just wish the ages were a little different.... I'd prefer 16 & 18. A 4 year difference especially with one of them in college just makes me feel gross-- even more considering the background
---January making it seem like Kaz was hitting on her and we are told 'WOAH! he is older and this is creepy' BUT then when Flynn and Kaz are together it is totally fine???
SpoilerAlso, considering there is rape involved in the story-- statutory rape even, I really REALLY felt uncomfortable with the age gap.

In the end, I really enjoyed this book and read it rather quickly! I do think it is a good YA book to read and something to explore-- possibly a book club book? -- and I recommend it to people who like mysteries, want to read something lgbtqa+ without it being the main focus of the story, and/or people who can handle reading something involving rape.