A review by beccainabook
Ruthless Noble by Alley Ciz


Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg! What a sexy, steamy, romantic, suspenseful, and entertaining conclusion to such a wonderfully dark romance duet. I just loved the first book so much and I could NOT wait for the conclusion because the first one ended in such a doozy that has left me wanting for MONTHS!

I was truly blessed to receive the first book of the duet as an ARC for an honest review from The Hatters Authors Services and I am double blessed because I received the second book of the duet as an ARC as well. I was so shocked by the conclusion to the first book, that I was counting down the days when the second one would be released. I mean, it was only two months in between, but it felt like a lifetime of waiting. (I’m so impatient!)

I loved the story and the characters of this book world so much and I was so excited to be back in it and to finally know what happens to my beautiful babies!

The storyline had so many unexpected twists and turns and shocking reveals that I felt like I was getting whiplash. However, there was a little too much back and forth of the story and sometimes there would be unexpected lulls in between that could make the read a little slow at times. BUT…. I finished this book in about three hours sooooo it wasn’t that slow for me or it was just my constant need to know what happens next with my two sarcastic love beans.

I LOVE THESE MAIN CHARACTERS OH SO MUCH and I JUST COULDN’T GET ENOUGH OF THEM! Savvy and Jasper are such a fun couple to read about and OH THE BANTER. Sexy banter is ALWAYS necessary for a dark or bully romance for me and this banter WAS SO GOOD! Just so good omg. It made me laugh and snap my fingers in appreciation. Such beautiful dialogue writing that always left me wanting more.

So the banter was great, but the STEAMMMMMMM….. OH SO GOOD! I definitely took some very detailed notes to save for my husband later. They have such great chemistry and their sexy scenes would set even a nun’s loins on fire. (I may get struck down by lightning, but I think God would understand if he/she read this book….) Also….there is a car scene that I read at least three times. I just needed every detail for my notes!

Overall, this book was just AMAZING and perfect for any dark romance lover and their friends. The author has such a great way with words and has left me wanting so much more. I can’t wait to read more from her because her side characters sounds like a great next read!