A review by booksbynoe
PURE by Rose Cartwright



I read this purely (no pun intended) after watching the channel 4 tv series inspired by this book. This book is a memoir of Cartwright's journey. What she went through as a teenager when she started to have intrusive thoughts about sex (some of them quite violent), how she dealt - or rather didn't - with it, her struggles to be properly diagnosed and finding a good therapist who could actually help her.

I enjoyed this a lot. Rose Cartwright doesn't really sugarcoat anything and some of the intrusive thoughts she experimented where quite difficult to digest. I can't even begin to image what must have been to live with that, suffering in silence really because she was so ashamed that she didn't tell anyone. Lucky for her, after many years, she found the right therapist and she also realised she had a great group of people around her but the journey to get there wasn't easy, by any means.