A review by goldenbooksgirl
And Then I Turned Into a Mermaid by Laura Kirkpatrick


When I heard about this book, I was incredibly excited, and when I realised it was written by YA writer Laura Steven under a pseudonym my excitement levels only went up even further. Thankfully, I really enjoyed it (it`d be really embarrassing if I hadn`t after all the screeching I did about it on Twitter, both to Laura and to any of my friends who`d listen…). It`s about a girl named Molly, who discovers on her 13th birthday that she and her family are all mermaids, and has to navigate this alongside friend dramas, boys and working in the family fish and chip shop. Molly is so likable and her reactions to this huge news are hilarious, as are her interactions with her mum and sisters- who are all such great characters. The whole book is just hilarious in fact, because Laura Steven/Kirkpatrick`s sense of humour is brilliant and it translated really well to middle grade. That said, I thought the more sentimental side of the family dynamic was super lovely as well, and I loved learning about the merworld, so I hope to learn even more about it in subsequent books in the series. 4.5/5