A review by ladyelizabeth
Buying Beth by Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty


This is a violent and sometimes graphic dark romance, so be warned when you pick it up. It also has kidnapping, forced medical examination, you get what I mean.

Third book in the Disciples series by Izzy Sweet, and my first book by this author. It can be read as a standalone and for what I've gather you can see glimpses of previous characters and how they are progressing.

We have Beth and her friends that go out in a bad part of town and end up being kidnapped by this organization that traffic girls. They go through hell and humiliation but the help comes, not in the form they were hoping for but it comes.

Anthony... I don't know how to describe him other than biker/hammer for one very scary dude that looks like a supermodel. That's Lucifer for you. Anthony does not want to get tied up, he likes his life the way it is, he owns a bar and it's doing fine. Then Beth shows up, gets kidnapped in Lucifer's territory and all hell comes lose.

I love the interaction between Anthony, Beth and specially Gabriel. He didn't have to buy the little kid to save him, but he did, showing that he has a big heart under that roughness. He does not change or hide who he is from her and I kind of like that, even though it's scary at times.

This is a dark romance. I could argue they are so many things wrong with the romance but the truth is that there is nothing wrong. This is fiction, so the story line and how they feel attracted to each other and how things develop, are fine by me.

I get that kidnapping and sex slavery is a very hard, real thing in some parts of the world. I don't like it. I don't condone the people who do this to women, children and others. I think they should be fed to the pigs.

What I didn't like about this book was the way Beth's father acted. He was a horrible man and I'm glad Anthony taught him a lesson. Another thing I didn't like was the graphic depiction of violence and specially the scene with the pigs and Sasha. He deserved it but the graphics of that scene and others similar, kind of put me off a little.

I still finish the book and I would recommend it if you have a stomach for a story that doesn't hold punches, shows the ugly side of things and still has a HEA even if the hero can be consider a villain in some circles.

*I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book provided by Hidden Gems*