A review by ezreading
Another Country, by James Baldwin


Read in bits and pieces, but every time I wasn't reading I still felt very much in it - seems to be a very Baldwin thing

Again, the discussion of identity, in terms of race and sexuality was sharp, honest and personal - where and who we turn to to feel at home

Slippery friendships that feel at once incredibly intimate and so lonely I don't know if I want that kind of dynamic or fear it

“Pleasure, as it turned out, was not simple” p. 135

“Both clung to a fantasy rather than to each other, tried to suck pleasure from the crannies of the mind, rather than surrender the secrets of the body.” p. 134

“Terrifying , that the loss of intimacy with one person results in the freezing over of the world, and the loss of oneself! And terrifying that the terms of love are so rigorous, its checks and liberties so tightly bound together.” 355

“They were two independent people, who needed each other for a time, who would always be friends, but who, probably, would not always be lovers. Such a premise forbids the intrusion of the future, or too vivid an exhibition of need.” p. 355