A review by theresidentbookworm
The Pretty One by Cheryl Klam


I'm not sure how or when The Pretty One ended up on my to-read list. I feel like it was an impulse buy at a Target. Either way, I read The Pretty One and HATED IT. I mean, this book made me want to scream. In 2008, I did not have the language to express why. Now, in 2019, I can recognize all the ways in which The Pretty One is problematic (and boy, there are many!).

It's crazy to imagine The Pretty One as a YA novel that could be realized today. Even the description screams superficiality and fatphobia. Of course, Megan needs to get in an accident, have tons of reconstructive surgery, and lose weight due to her mouth being wired shut to be seen as beautiful by those around her, particularly her best friend Simon. You know Insatiable, the bad, problematic (but still weirdly enjoyable?) Netflix show? This book is the Insatiable of YA fiction. (Except it's not even trashy bad.)

Do not read. Do not recommend.