A review by betherin02
Muffins & Moonbeams by Elizabeth Maddrey


Full review on Faithfully Bookish http://wp.me/p7ngfE-FR

After reading the prequel novella for this Baxter Family Bakery series, I couldn't wait to get to know these Baxter brothers who are so close knit and take such good care of their sister! I was also looking forward to more delicious food! So I dove in with my high expectations and wouldn't you know it, I got a story even better than I had hoped for!!!

I have to say, Malachi is the brother I most wanted to get to know better. Seeing the small Arcadia Valley community through Malachi's eyes while he overcomes both average and uniquely deaf challenges is enlightening.

Ursula has taken hermit into the 21st century. I'm impressed and part of me is a little jealous of the amount of time she is able to spend in her home with only her cat to worry about.

All the bread, muffins, cookies, and gourmet food in this book make me so hungry! Oh, yummy! I can almost taste it! While this is the first novel of the Baxter Family Bakery series it's also the third book in Arcadia Valley Romance.

I requested the opportunity to read and review this title through the author. The opinions expressed are my own.