A review by bundy23
Domain by James Herbert


The book opens at the start of a nuclear attack on London and just gets darker and darker and, somehow, darker still...

Strangely I found this to be both the best of the series and also the least entertaining... The plot's actually really good, the writing is on point, it's just that it's so much more serious than [b: The Rats|397867|The Rats (Rats, #1)|James Herbert|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1356454885l/397867._SY75_.jpg|2452726] and [b: Lair|397872|Lair (Rats, #2)|James Herbert|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348473330l/397872._SY75_.jpg|1422642] which is what lessened the enjoyment factor a little for me. There's still some pretty funny stuff in here though, the dude trapped in his bunker with the neighbours cat is a particular high-point, it's just that after that it all gets very grim...

The one thing I couldn't stop thinking when I was deep into the second half was, "I reckon this would make a great premium TV series if someone threw a heap of cash at it and did it properly."