A review by lizmart88
The Changeling by Joy Williams


I don't even know where to start. This book is intense and bewildering.

Not sure I actually understand what happened. If you're going to read it, be ready to just enjoy the ride because the plot is pretty meandering and unfathomable.

The book is centered around Pearl, a young woman who abandons her husband of 6 days to go live with a man named Thomas whose family has inherited an island. This private island is a mysterious place. Children run free, playing and imagining whatever they can. And the adults are no less mysterious. Thomas' brother Walker lives there as well as his sister Shelley.

As the book progresses, the theme of Changeling becomes apparent but never fully clear. The author does an excellent job of creating a world where you're not sure what's real and what's imagined. As Pearl descends further into alcoholism, the world continues to shift.

Hints at past transgressions on the island are tantalizing but never fully explored, which I was disappointed about.