A review by myntop
Fairy Tale, by Cyn Balog


Starting out, I wasn't quite sure what to think and honestly, I wasn't sure if I was going to like this book. In the end it was pretty good though!

As I went through the story I had varying thoughts of how it should end up. On the one hand, who doesn't want a happily ever after? On the other hand, in order for that to happen ... well, there just wasn't a way for EVERYONE in the story to get that happily ever after. So I respect the direction the author took. I didn't think I'd be happy if it went this way, but I am satisfied in a bittersweet kind of way.

I enjoy the lore of the story. I like the thought of this parallel world with fairies who can see us but can't come over except on certain days. I like the fact that there might be a few of us humans who can witness their magic. The part of the story that was hard to wrap my mind around, was how seemingly careless the fairies are. These are not your Tinkerbell fairies, these are not the evil fairies of some stories, they are somewhere in between. It was interesting.

All in all, this read very much like a Young Adult novel. I think middle school aged kids would enjoy it and relate to it a bit better than my middle aged self. But it was cute and enjoyable for what it was.