A review by krismcd59
The Cold Eye by Laura Anne Gilman


Although I'm a fan of Gilman's world and quite fond of her main characters, this second novel of the trilogy suffers a bit from middle-novel syndrome. The pace, which was so lively in the first novel, is glacial here, and while we get a deeper understanding of Gabriel and Isobel's origins and natures, the fact that they spend the entire novel literally riding around in circles, thinking the same obsessive thoughts again and again -- well, the whole thing feels a bit claustrophobic, which is ironic given its wide-open-spaces setting. It's a relief when Isobel finally gets some hints as to her purpose, and the ending sets the stage for a whiz-bang continuation, but I read this installment rather dutifully, longing for some new characters and conversations. Definitely looking forward to the next one, though.