A review by ohthesheenanigans
An Irresistible Temptation by Elsa Winckler


Rating: ★★✬☆☆ (2.5/5 Stars)
Title: An Irresistible Temptation
Author(s): Elsa Winckler
Dana Roux: Blonde
David Cavallo: Brunette, Brown Eyed
Setting: South Africa
Tag(s): Romance, Contemporary
Content Rating: PG-13
POV: Third Person
Smexy Level: Warm
Favorite Quote(s): N/A
Overall Opinion:
Very much like the first book of the series, I was left feeling less than impressed with this read. Feelings between the characters developed far quicker than the norm and the relationship moved way too fast that it became nothing more than a turn off. The characters were less than memorable and there wasn't anything in particular about this series that made it likable. Unlike the first book, I did decide to drop this half way through since it didn't really appeal to me at all.