A review by bickleyhouse
Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith by Henri J.M. Nouwen


This is a wonderful little book on the topic of spiritual direction. The definition of "spiritual direction," as provided by the book is "a relationship initiated by a spiritual seeker who finds a mature person of faith willing to pray and respond with wisdom and understanding to his or her questions about how to live spiritually in a world of ambiguity and distraction."

The chapters of the book all have questions for titles. "Who Will Answer My Questions?" "Where Do I Begin?" "Who Am I?" "Where Have I Been and Where Am I Going?" And so on.

The chapters are also broken down into parts: Look Within to the Heart, Look to God in the Book, and Look to Others in Community.

Each chapter begins with parable of sorts, all from different sources. I suppose some people would object to the fact that some of the parables are from different "religions." Personally, that doesn't bother me. Why can I not learn from the wisdom of other religions?

This book is the first that I have read of Nouwen's work, although I have heard about him for many years. I definitely want to read more. There is great spiritual wisdom to be found in his writings. And this book will most definitely be read again, more slowly, perhaps with journaling involved.

I think this is a great volume to read for one, like me, who is on the beginning paths of spiritual direction. One thing it made me realize for certain is that I need spiritual direction. Either that of a more mature believer or a group of people. I'm kind of leaning toward a group that will begin this journey together.